Reasons To Be Vegetarian
time to give up eating meat?
(video: mp4 : 1.81 Mb)More Reasons To Be Vegetarian
time to give up eating meat?
(video: mp4 : 14.3 Mb)
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
Paul McCartneySlaughterhouse
Animal Rights FAQ
The Future of Food?
Cruelty-free Vatfood?
The Taste of Depravity
Animal Rights Resources
The Slaughter of Animals for Food
Meat: the recipe for Prostate Cancer?
Slaughterhouse: video (mp4: 5.55Mb)
49 Good Reasons For Being A Vegetarian
British Meat: the recipe for Food Poisoning?
Razorlight Go Vegetarian: A Video Interview Vegetarian and Vegan Information
People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
British meat crisis: has BSE spread from cattle to sheep?
Does eating vegetables protect against Alzheimer's disease?